

WIMPY STORE LTD - 嶸崥商店有限公司


在英國創業前期,一天在蘇格蘭行山, 當時在拿起手機記錄山峰的美好, 頓時這刻眼前出現了一條細小的水流。這條水流不像大江大河般雄渾,也不像湍急的瀑布般磅礴,它只是輕輕地流淌著,細小而平靜。 希望藉此遠望公司未來就像將就像長江集團一樣,嶸崥不擇細流,不嫌棄細河流或是泉水,我們都希望吸引過來。 


憶述我們在這條水流中看到了一種特殊的美感。創辦人陳生看到了水流中微小的波紋,如同無數個微小的生命在其中自由舞動,讓他不禁感到神奇, 我們曾經經歷過反送中運動一樣''要像水一樣流動,既柔軟又剛強;既能適應萬物,又能匯聚為強大的力量''真正BE WATER



在這裡落腳停留,用心去品味這片山水的美好,不再前進。這時候就想聯想起這兩個中文字 [嶸崥], 願景希望未來能夠收支平衡,幫助真正香港人,這就是我們。          



" 嶸 " and " 崥 " are commonly used together in Chinese poetry to describe small and delicate water flows, such as small streams or brooks. On a trip to Scotland during the early stages of our business in the UK, we came across a small water flow while recording the beauty of a mountain with our phones. Unlike the majestic rivers or rushing waterfalls, this stream was small and calm, gently flowing through. We hope that in the future, our company can be like Cheung Kong Holdings, not rejecting small streams or springs, and attracting people from all over the world to our products with open arms.

We saw a special beauty in this small stream. Our founder, MrChan saw the tiny ripples in the water. as if countless small lives were dancing freely, which filled him with wonder. We have experienced the Hong Kong pro-democracy movement, which calls for us to flow like water - soft but strong, adaptable to everything, yet able to come together to form a powerful force. This is what it truly means to " be water "  

Although the stream was small, it was full of vitality and charm, just like our products. MrChan appreciated the grandeur and unwavering stance of the towering mountain beside the stream, but he also appreciated the delicacy and vitality of the small stream. Therefore, he decided to stay here and savour the beauty of this landscape, just like the meaning behind the Chinese character " 嶸崥 ". Although we left Hong Kong some WIMPY and continued our fight for freedom elsewhere, our company will bravely continue to face the challenge.Our vision is to achieve a balance of income and expenditure and help true Hong Kong people. This is who we are. ''香港人加油''




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